
Super Croc was one of the biggest dinosaurs in pre-historic time.It was 40 feet long and it weighed 8 tons!Only the size of its skull was 4 feet,it lived 110 million years ago. Wouldn't be scary if it still was alive? Super croc was a vicious crocodile like in the text '' This Croc Really Rocks"by Time for Kids it said '' Its six foot long skull had a long narrow jaw that was studded with more than 100 teeth, which gave it a mighty bite. Also in the article '' Ancient SuperCroc Had Cousins'' it said that Super Croc found ten years ago, it grew to be 40 feet long, 8 tons in weight , and lived in wet land areas which now are desert lands.
Top 10 facts
2 The jaws of super croc were nearly 1.8 meters.
3 Super Croc has a six foot long skull.
4 Super Croc has 132 teeth.
5 Super Croc has about 250 bones.
6 It weighs 8 tons.
7 It lived 110 years ago.
8 Super Croc has a body of armor.
9 Super Croc lived in wet lands.
10 The longest bone in Super Croc is the furmur.

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